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 LesSpace - Fix Space Errors on Large HDDs

This section/page/file, and the On-line Docs/page/file (60k approx), contain extensive details on LESSPACE.COM.

(Note for users who are viewing these notes in TEXT form, and/or off-line: For those who do not have web access, and/or do not wish to use a HTML browser to view the lesspace documentation, the lesspace notes are supplied as two HTML files (lesspace.htm and lesspdoc.htm), and two text/ASCII files (lesspace.txt and lesspdoc.txt). The TXT files are automatically generated from the HTML files, and are, necessarily, poorly formatted, especially where tables are used. If possible, the HTML files should be reviewed to avail of improved formatting, some indexing, better layout, etc. Also, the latest documentation is always available on the web site, http://www.KennedySoftware.ie, and should be accessed if you have problems/queries, or if you think these notes may be out of date).

LESSPACE is a DOS TSR utility, designed to solve problems with very large Disks; Single-user or Networks, virtual, compressed or real. The initial releases of this utility activated on disks which were typically greater than 2GB, but this threshold was later reduced to 536MB (approx). Where the Paradox products are mentioned in these notes, we are referring only to the DOS versions, and mainly to releases 3.5, 4.0x, and 4.5

If your DOS application is misbehaving because you are using large hard drives, this TSR may help. Technically, the TSR watches for requests from the application to DOS/WIN for details of the disk space, and, as the details are being passed back to the application program, this TSR adjusts them down to more reasonable values, where relevant.

Therefore, if the TSR determines that it should make some adjustments to the internal details going to the application, you may get incorrect (reduced) Space values (total and/or free space) in the application, but, your application should still work correctly !!. [That's what the TSR is for !!]. You don't lose any space; you don't need to re-partition your drives into smaller units - your application just sees less-space !!.

The utility includes a fix related to the Critical Error Handler code in Win95 (Int-24), as detailed here. This impacts commands like the DriveStatus() function in Paradox-DOS. Without the fix, DriveStatus() will always return TRUE on Floppies and CDs.

As of version 3.0, Lesspace also has a feature to activate an epoch facility in Paradox-DOS systems, and in any other systems which have a similar internal treatment of Y2K dates. This is explained in the detailed lesspace notes (60k).

Finally, the tsr also has an option to mark specified Drives as Remote, as also explained here. This may be useful for apps running in peer-to-peer networks, or for multiple tasks running on a single PC.

Demo Download (Shareware):
The latest shareware release of lesspace, including all DOC/TXT/HTM files, is available as LesSpace.ZIP. This zip file-size is about 40k. (See Download Instructions).

Note: Support calls arrive from unregistered users, and users are running versions which are 10-15 releases out-of-date! The shareware release may have a restricted evaluation period. (Registered versions will normally not have restricted usage periods). This is to encourage users - especially trial users - to use the latest release, or to register, or to use some alternative product, thereby minimising support demands for out-of-date versions and/or from unregistered users.

Sometimes, enhancements involve changes to the program, and a beta release may be available from time to time. In this case, the software version is incremented.

But, frequently, just the documentation is updated, and, usually, the version code is not revised in these cases. When documentation is revised, whether the software is updated or not, we will revise the HTML text here, and in the TXT files delivered with the software. Therefore, the documentation here, and that supplied with the software, will always be the Latest available, and may have references to an option or feature that applies only to an upcoming release of the software. When/where this occurs, the documentation will indicate the relevant version.

Order Full Program / Costs / Terms:
You may order the full program on-line: click here.

Initial Registration cost (1 year) in USD $: Initial registration covers a period of 12 months, and is based on the maximum number of PCs simultaneously using LESSPACE, per site. Unless otherwise agreed (eg, special carrier), no other charges apply:

No of PCs Basic Price Additional per PC
1-9 25.00 8.00
10-24 50.00 5.00
25-49 100.00 3.00
50-99 150.00 2.00
100-199 200.00 1.50
200+ 300.00 1.00

Choose the row which relates to the maximum number of simultaneous users at the site. The total cost is the “Basic Price” on that row, plus the “Additional” charge times the total number of PCs:

Eg: 4 PCs = $25.00 + 4 * 8.00 = $57.00.   14 PCs = $50.00 + 14 * 5.00 = $120.00

Annual Renewal cost in USD $:

No of PCs Basic Price Additional per PC
1-9 30.00 3.00
10-24 40.00 2.00
25+ 65.00 1.00
Additional notes:
A "user" who has multiple "sites", or multiple "clients", and wishes to supply lesspace to those sites/clients, should indicate how they would prefer to operate, expected numbers of sites and PCs (per site), etc, and we will respond accordingly. We would prefer if each site/client is still separately "registered", to facilitate Software Audits at those sites.

The registered software will not be dispatched to Customers who submit a PO, and/or require an Invoice prior to payment, until payment has been received. A Company check/cheque is acceptable.

Registered Users:
If you are a registered user, but you don't have the latest release of the utility, we have a program to update your version of lesspace to the current release. This update program handles most of the officially released versions of lesspace. If it does not recognise your version - perhaps because you got a beta release at some time, or your version is somehow special, then please let us know, and we will either revise this update program, or just send you an up-to-date revised release of lesspace. Thank you.

To upgrade your version of lesspace to the latest release, download LessUpdt.ZIP. This file-size is about 50k. (See Download Instructions).

Beta Release:
When we have an early copy of a new (pending) release of lesspace, which might be of interest to you, it'll be downloadable from here, as LessNew.ZIP. This file-size will be about 40k. (See Download Instructions). The main updates will be listed in the On-line Docs (60k total !), under the most recent version-no updates. If a beta copy is available, and you try it, then we would be grateful for any feedback, but please update to an official release when available !. If no beta release is available here, the file named LessNew.ZIP will be identical to the Shareware release.

Currently no Beta-Release is available.

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