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 M. D. O'Connor's TD Analysis Report

M. D. O'Connor is the author of the free TD Analysis Report entitled "Time Dilation, Technical Dilation, and Corporate Dilation." It is an exhaustive report based on both textual and test research on the subject of Time Dilation. Mr. O'Connor was involved with a research group in 1997 soon after the Time Dilation discovery.

This document is intended to put to rest public apprehensions of a "fallout" from a computer anomaly first known as "Time Dilation" (TD), now renamed "Time and Date Instabilities" but retaining the acronym "TD." It is also called the "Crouch-Echlin Effect."

Randall Bart first coined the term "Time Dilation" at the time of the discovery. In Einsteinian physics, it refers to the phenomenon where an observer moving at high speed or in a strong gravity experiences time at a different rate than another observer in another frame of reference. At the time of the discovery, it was a reference to the RTC chip that is "experiencing time" at a different rate than our perception of time. However, the term is not an accurate representation of the anomaly, therefore it was renamed "Time and Date Instabilities" by Mr. Jace Crouch.

O'Connor's report shows the following:

One Symptom, One Cause:
There is only one TD anomaly symptom: a substantial change in system time/date information forward or backward relative to the true date/time. This symptom is observable by examining the system date and time on a computer after a computer boot. A TD anomaly occurs only during a computer boot. The fact that it occurs only during a computer boot points to a singular cause, because the same number of the same processes occur in the same sequence in every computer power-up. The TD anomaly is a random event and is not repeatable.

This singular cause is the BIOS code that, during computer boot, does not properly avoid the small segment of time occurring every second, in which the Real Time Clock (RTC) is updating itself with the date and time. Another cause is the system interrupts are not disabled before RTC is read for the time or date information. A third cause is the lack of, or too little, I/O delay between back-to-back RTC instructions. The nature of date or time retrieval with respect to the Update In Progress (UIP) bit in the RTC makes the TD anomaly a random event.

Causes other than defined above, such as "bus fights" or CMOS memory corruption, are not valid causes of the TD anomaly, because the TD anomaly occurrence is limited to during a computer power-up (not a warm-boot). A bus fight can occur at any time, usually during computer operation, but if it occurs, the computer will hang. CMOS memory corruption, if it occurs, will affect more than just the time and date information within the RTC, and the time and date information cannot be selectively corrupted without affecting other areas of CMOS memory.

Current spikes, if any, resulting from turning on the power to a computer is also an unlikely cause of the anomaly for the same reason: the time and date cannot be selectively affected within the RTC without affecting the rest of the chip. The use of diodes in the power distribution circuit (where a rechargeable battery is included) prevent reverse current from occurring during computer power-up. In addition, the power supply itself is a computer-grade unit designed for this purpose. Still furthermore, if current spikes are responsible for the TD anomaly, why are we not seeing this anomaly on computers with buffered RTC chips?

O'Connor's report shows that, technically, a TD anomaly is specifically defined as a large difference in time or date between the RTC and BIOS/DOS.

But a TD anomaly can be falsely identified by a misdiagnosed symptom. An example of this is a dying battery in the computer. There are other cases of similar symptoms that have nothing to do with TD. If there is a way to properly diagnose a TD anomaly, it is this: if the system date or time shows an advanced date or time relative to the true date or time, it is proof positive of a TD anomaly. On the other hand, if the system date or time has retrogressed instead of advanced, it is not proof of a TD anomaly because any number of causes apply which have nothing to do with TD. Hence, for a retrogressed date or time symptom, further investigation is warranted. This investigation should begin with an immediate examination of the RTC and BIOS information. If the RTC/BIOS information are consistent to within 2 seconds, there is no TD anomaly, even if the RTC information shows an incorrect time or date.

The TD definition has changed or expanded at most three times since the discovery. The current definition, as defined by the Crouch-Echlin group, now includes multiple causes and symptoms of the anomaly, but without specifying what these are. But these causes, identified in O'Connor's report, were well known by software experts before the discovery.

The lack of a well-defined TD definition unfortunately means, and in fact causes, false TD reports to be submitted by persons with insufficient understanding of the TD anomaly. The definition is not properly defined, and the name "Time and Date Instabilities" implies more than one problem or cause, which is not true.

See O'Connor's report for more details.

TD Anomaly in Intel's Test Data:
Intel's free report includes test data based on "Manual Cycling" methodology, which was conducted on Mike Echlin's Zenith 286 CPU #2 board.

Critical analysis of Intel's test data in their report in Appendix C (pages 16-17) indeed shows strong evidence of time-related TD anomaly. In fact, it shows evidence of two, not one, separate anomalies:

   1. Echlin's 286 BIOS time conversion anomaly (which Intel reported), and
   2. TD anomaly as an advanced time anomaly (which Intel overlooked).

Below is a plot taken from O'Connor's report. This plot is based solely on Intel's test data with reconstructed wristwatch seconds of time. The wristwatch seconds of time is not recorded in Intel's test data. The wristwatch seconds of time is reconstructed based on Intel's 0.036% offset theory, and is explained in O'Connor's report.

In its report, Intel called attention to Echlin's Zenith 286 BIOS conversion anomaly, which O'Connor's report calls the "0.036% offset theory." The BIOS conversion anomaly causes a 0.036% error in DOS time relative to the RTC time. Note that the BIOS conversion anomaly is not the cause of the TD anomaly, because the maximum offset error on any given day is no more than 31 seconds.

Because the 0.036% offset error is linearly proportional to the time of day, it is possible to reconstruct the wristwatch seconds of time to show when the DOS-reported time was recorded in Intel's data. The result is this plot shown below.

Chart Calculated 0.036% Offset Delta Time Versus Actual Delta Time

The blue plot represents the delta time in seconds between the wristwatch reference time and calculated DOS-reported time of day based on Intel's 0.036% offset theory. The red plot is the delta time in seconds between the wristwatch reference time and actual DOS-reported time of day. The zero reference line in the plot means there is no deviation in time between the reference time and DOS-reported time.

Data points above the zero reference line indicate an advanced time anomaly. Data points below this line indicate a retrogressed time anomaly. The fact that the blue line stays below the zero reference line makes sense, since the Zenith BIOS conversion formula (cited in Intel's report) is always 0.036% less than it should be relative to the DOS conversion formula (also cited in Intel's report).

The plot shows proof positive that not just the BIOS conversion anomaly is being exhibited, but also that an advanced time anomaly is being exhibited. This is the reason Intel presented the BIOS conversion anomaly in terms of a theory without raw data to back it up.

The red plot follows the blue plot in most places. This is the result of the reconstruction of the wristwatch seconds of time based on Intel's 0.036% offset theory.

However, the red plot departs from the blue plot in several places. This is the result because the wristwatch seconds of time cannot be reconstructed, and therefore remains set at zero seconds (Intel did not record the wristwatch seconds of time, therefore zero seconds is assumed). The reason the seconds of time cannot be reconstructed is that the time difference between wristwatch and DOS-reported time is greater than the maximum allowable limit for wristwatch-seconds-of-time adjustment, which is 59 seconds. In other words, if the time difference is greater than 59 seconds, the wristwatch seconds of time cannot be adjusted because it is outside the 59-second limit, and therefore is unknown. This is where either serious discrepancies are seen, or the person who recorded the data took some serious sips of coffee before recording the DOS time.

The errant red data points in the above chart can be brought down lower and closer to the zero reference line by adding up to 59 seconds to the wristwatch seconds of time, but cannot be reduced by more than 59 seconds because the adjustment limit is 59 seconds. This means all data points above the 60-second mark in the chart still remain above the zero reference line when 59 seconds is added. The rest falls below the zero reference line, but still remains above the blue plotted line.

All of this means there is no way to reconcile any of these errant red data points to Intel's 0.036% offset theory, regardless of the wristwatch seconds of time adjustment. Therefore, a TD anomaly is present on this computer.

See O'Connor's report for full details. Two more charts are included in this analysis.

Echlin's "Logic Path" Theory Debunked:
Jace Crouch/Mike Echlin espouses what is called the "Logic Path" theory, which is a theory of how a TD anomaly occurs based on the value of the century year. It means the TD anomaly, according to their theory, does not occur until the year 2000.

Mathematical calculations are necessary to convert the date in BCD format into binary before being stored in RAM as a binary value. This theory assumes that the date conversion routine is interposed within the RTC read routine. The theory is also based on the assumption that these calculations are all done "on the fly" while reading the RTC date.

But Intel's report is correct: there is no such logic path decision based on the century year value, no, not in the BIOS code. This logic path decision is performed "at a higher level," as Intel said in its report. This higher level is the DOS kernel.

In truth, the date conversion occurs after complete date information is retrieved from the RTC. How, then, does the date conversion routine (allegedly including dual logic paths) push the date retrieval period into the update period of the RTC? In order to perform date conversion into a singular number of days in hex, all of the date information, including the century byte, must be retrieved first.

Since it is the DOS kernel code that performs date conversion from BCD to binary, there is no interposition of conversion code into the BIOS code that reads the date from the RTC. In fact, the RTC date data returned to the DOS kernel is in packed BCD format, the same format used in the RTC registers. Therefore, all RTC read operations for the date are completed before the conversion occurs. Hence, there is no "logic path" to speak of while reading the RTC for the date. As a result, Mr. Echlin's Logic Path theory falls flat to the ground.

This is why Intel's report in Appendix C makes the same conclusion. If there is a logic path based on the century year value, it is handled in the DOS kernel after, not while, reading the RTC for the date.

See O'Connor's report for full details.

Advanced Versus Retrogressed Anomaly:
There are two types of TD anomalies identified in O'Connor's report: Advanced and Retrogressed.

An advanced time or date anomaly is a TD anomaly showing an excessively advanced system time or date relative to the true time or date.

A retrogressed time or date anomaly is a TD anomaly showing an excessively retrogressed system time or date relative to the true time or date.

An advanced time/date symptom is proof positive of a TD anomaly, because there is no scenario or condition identified with causing a false case of retrogressed time/date anomaly that also causes a false case of advanced time/date anomaly. In fact, there is no precedent for such an advanced time/date symptom.

In contrast, a retrogressed time/date symptom can be caused by factors other than a true TD anomaly. One example is a weak battery in the computer, which supplies DC power to the RTC while the computer is turned off.

Theoretically, if an RTC is not buffered, the bad data in the update period will consist of either FFh or the value of the seconds of time in all the registers, including the alarm data. If FFh, the result will be an advanced anomaly, because this data is always in the value of FF in hex. If seconds of time value instead of FFh, either advanced or retrogressed anomaly will result, depending on the value and the true time/date when it occurs.

Both Jace Crouch's "Zoom" 286 computer and Mike Echlin's Zenith 286 computer show evidence of an advanced time/date anomaly, the former showing advanced date anomaly, and the latter showing advanced time anomaly (or retrogressed in some cases, see O'Connor's report). On the "Zoom" computer, no time anomaly occurs. On the Zenith computer, no date anomaly occurs.

What does this tell you?

It is evidence that, during a computer boot, the time and date information is separately processed. This is confirmed through examination of published BIOS code and technical references.

What does this mean? It means the time and date information are not read together from the RTC. It means a shorter aggregate access time is required to read either the time or date from the RTC, and this is important because the RTC read routine has only 244 microseconds to read all the data it needs to read. Echlin/Crouch's "Logic Path" Theory as explained on their web site falsely (unintentionally) implies that both time and date are read together from the RTC.

See O'Connor's report for more details.

TD and Y2K:
The TD anomaly is not related to Y2K problems because:

  1. Y2K issues deal solely with the 2-digit year date problem, a known problem for which there is a known solution.
  2. The TD anomaly is not caused by the fact that the century byte has to be included in the calculations after Y2K; it is caused by poor BIOS code that does not honor the UIP or other problems.

RTC Cleared as Culprit:
M. O'Connor's report shows the importance of understanding computer speed versus RTC aggregate access time. The computer speed affects the RTC aggregate access time, but does not affect the 244-microsecond window. Computer speed also affects the execution speed of a running diagnostics utility, which in itself affects the time it takes to read data from the RTC.

O'Connor's report conclusively shows that Echlin's RTC.EXE program can lead to false conclusions on 286 machines, because it runs too slowly on 286 machines to gather enough RTC data within the allotted 244-microsecond window.

The following RTC data dump excerpt shows an aggregate RTC access time of 557 microseconds, which is much higher than the 244-microsecond window allows, assuming the aggregate access time is defined as the time it takes to read all the time and date information, plus all the alarm data, plus the status byte. For the purpose of this demonstration, the RTC aggregate access time is compared from two different diagnostic programs, therefore the validity of this access time definition is not important. This data dump comes from Echlin's RTC.EXE utility. Does this mean we have a problem with this particular computer showing this characteristic?

(Note the "3" in the "err" column in this data dump. A "3" indicates a possible TD anomaly. This RTCSCAN program was written by M. O'Connor to facilitate fast processing of the dumped data and return a shortened data dump listing showing the relevant areas of interest.)

 Generated by RTCSCAN vs 0.60

 RTCSCAN: RTC Data File Scanner

 Copyright 1998 Michael D. O'Connor

             RTC Data Scan Results


 LineNo.  se sa mn ma hr ha dw dy mo yr st  err

       1  31 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       2  31 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

     613  31 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

     614  31 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

     615  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

     616  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

     617  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

     618  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  3  8  0 26  0

     619  32 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    2561  32 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

    2562  32 1f 35 58 19 1a  5 ff ff ff a6  3

    2563  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    2564  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    2565  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    2566  ff ff ff ff 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

    2567  33 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    4508  33 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

    4509  33 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

    4510  33 1f 35 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    4511  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    4512  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    4513  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    4514  34 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    6456  34 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

    6457  34 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

    6458  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    6459  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    6460  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    6461  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  0  0 26  0

    6462  35 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    8404  35 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

    8405  35 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3 ff ff a6  3

    8406  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    8407  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    8408  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

    8409  ff ff ff ff ff  0  5  3  8  0 26  0

    8410  36 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   10352  36 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   10353  36 1f 35 58 19 1a ff ff ff ff a6  3

   10354  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   10355  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   10356  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   10357  ff ff  0 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   10358  37 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   12299  37 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   12300  37 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

   12301  37 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   12302  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   12303  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   12304  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  0 26  0

   12305  38 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   14247  38 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   14248  38 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

   14249  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   14250  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   14251  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   14252  ff ff ff ff ff ff  0  3  8  0 26  0

   14253  39 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   16195  39 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   16196  39 1f 35 58 19 1a  5 ff ff ff a6  3

   16197  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   16198  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   16199  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   16200  ff ff ff  0 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   16201  40 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   18142  40 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   18143  40 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 a6  1

   18144  40 1f 35 58 ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   18145  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   18146  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   18147  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff a6  1

   18148  ff 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

   18149  41 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

   20000  41 1f 35 58 19 1a  5  3  8  0 26  0

The answer: No, it does not mean we have a problem with the above data dump. The RTC data dump came from Echlin's RTC.EXE program; it ran too slowly to gather all the readings from the RTC, due mainly to the speed of the 286 microprocessor. The reading speed of this program is also a factor.

The following RTC data dump excerpt comes from the same 286 computer and is dumped by another program, written in assembler, which runs faster to gather more readings from the RTC than did Echlin's RTC.EXE in the same time period.

 Generated by RTCSCAN vs 0.60

 RTCSCAN: RTC Data File Scanner

 Copyright 1998 Michael D. O'Connor

             RTC Data Scan Results


  Record  se sa mn ma hr ha dw dy mo yr st  err

       1  22 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

       2  22 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    2842  22 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

    2843  22 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 A6  1

    2844  22 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 A6  1

    2845  22 1F 38 58 17 FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2846  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2847  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2848  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2849  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2850  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2851  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2852  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2853  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2854  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2855  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2856  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2857  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2858  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A6  1

    2859  FF FF 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

    2860  23 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

       0  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  0

    5772  23 1F 38 58 17 1A 00 28 11 00 26  0

It is sufficient to conclude that there is more data in the UIP period in the above data dump than in the previous one. The RTC aggregate access time is now 139.25 microseconds in the above data dump, far less than the 244-microsecond window. This proves that Echlin's RTC.EXE utility runs too slow to gather all the data within the same time period on 286 machines.

Echlin's RTC.EXE utility was written in C++ and has been discontinued since late 1998. However, Echlin's newest utilities are still written in C++ language. But assembler is much faster than programs written in C++ language. The BIOS code is all written in assembler.

However, it does not mean that there is no TD anomaly in the 286 computer, because these programs were run while the computer is in operation. The TD anomaly occurs only during computer power-up. The TD anomaly culprit is in the BIOS code, and there is no way to repeat the action of the executing BIOS code, even with diagnostic software, because the BIOS code is different among BIOS versions.

O'Connor's report does not claim that all BIOS chips are suspect for the cause of the TD anomaly. There are some old BIOS code (as early as 1985 in one case) that has all the earmarks of properly-coded BIOS routines from which a TD anomaly should never occur.

At least one of Echlin's free diagnostic utilities returns the RTC access time in microseconds as part of its results information. But this access time is an arbitrary value as far as the user is concerned. There is no clue as to the definition of the "RTC access time." O'Connor's report supplies this definition, but not Echlin's own definition. However, the utility appears to treat both the time and date as a single aggregate access. If this is the case, then the returned access time should be divided in half. Reason? The time and date are separately processed in a computer boot, not together. Access time for the time and date are each approximately the same, but only insofar as Echlin's utility is concerned. The actual access time may be different during computer boot, especially for the time of day.

If the utility returns the access time with an "OK" message but also returns a message that the RTC failed the buffered test (non-buffered RTC), it still recommends treating the machine as "suspect." The truth is that if the access time is far less than the 244-microsecond window, there is absolutely no cause for concern, buffered RTC or non-buffered RTC, if the UIP bit is honored.

But let us not forget that the RTC access time is not a primary issue to be considered as far as TD is concerned. Echlin's "Logic Path" Theory, of which the RTC access time is a primary factor, has already been disproved. If the UIP bit in the RTC is not being honored by the BIOS code, it therefore follows that there is no need to extend the access time beyond 244 microseconds to read bad data. The primary issue is whether the UIP bit is honored by the BIOS code.

This RTC analysis (and other analyses shown in O'Connor's report) shows that the RTC is not the culprit for the TD anomaly.

See O'Connor's report for full details, including how the RTC aggregate access time is calculated based on these data dumps.

Download O'Connor's TD Analysis Report:
M. D. O'Connor's TD Analysis Report is a copyrighted work and is registered in the U.S. Copyright Office in Washington D.C., U.S.A.

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This page created by Michael D. O'Connor
28 Feb 2000

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